Announcing Tumbleweed Snapshots Official Hosting
Announcing repo-checker for all
Announcing download.o.o access metrics
2018w09-10: ReviewBot comment commands, quality of life changes, metrics.o.o for Grafana 5.x and TW release data, and more
Announcing Tumbleweed snapshot review site
2018w07-08: drop list considers update repos, Leap repo-checker ignores i586, metrics.o.o weekly ingest, and more
2018w05-06: package drop list, Tumbleweed snapshots update, leaper no longer requires maintainer review, and more
2018w03-04: repo_checker devel package comments, announcer re-deployment, CI tweaks, and more
2018w01-02: pkglistgen deployed, comment tests, baselibs.conf in adi, config generalization, and much more
2017w51-52: package list rewrite and repo_checker optimization
2017w49-50: obs-service-tar_scm version rewrite regular expression
Tumbleweed Snapshots Update
2017w47-48: Tumbleweed snapshots in the press
Announcing Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
2017w45-46: metrics.o.o deployed, TW snapshots, and repo-checker skips openQA
2017w43-44: repo-checker for Leap and full OBS for tooling tests
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